720. King Pin Lock for 5th Wheel Style Trailers, the lock is placed on the pin so that it no longer fits into the hitch.
721. Valve regrinding tool
722. Fuel testing cup, for contamination testing for most types of aircraft drain fittings
723. Portable safety door lock
The prong is placed in the latchplate
The locking pin is then inserted in the slot
724. Anchor steel strapping tool
725. Multi-purpose clamp, missing the rubber pads. Similar to ceiling grid clamps that are available at the hardware store.
Someone sent me a link to a mystery tool page with a good explanation of the saw hammer from last week, lots of other good tools in their archives.
I found a link that shows an interesting "What is it?" in China via Google maps, with a possible answer given on the second page.
Last week's set is seen below, click here to view the full post:
721. Valve regrinding tool
722. Fuel testing cup, for contamination testing for most types of aircraft drain fittings
723. Portable safety door lock
The prong is placed in the latchplate
The locking pin is then inserted in the slot
724. Anchor steel strapping tool
725. Multi-purpose clamp, missing the rubber pads. Similar to ceiling grid clamps that are available at the hardware store.
Someone sent me a link to a mystery tool page with a good explanation of the saw hammer from last week, lots of other good tools in their archives.
I found a link that shows an interesting "What is it?" in China via Google maps, with a possible answer given on the second page.
Last week's set is seen below, click here to view the full post: